Florian Handle

Research focus

My research is focused on improving the treatment options for advanced prostate cancer patients by identifying novel drug targets as well as understanding drug resistance mechanisms. Previous and ongoing research topics are: IL6/STAT3 mediated AR activation, supra-physiological androgen treatment and targeting the self-renewal capacity of prostate cancer cells.

In university, I was trained as a molecular cell biologist but I have since received considerable training in bioinformatics. With this expertise, I am analysing bulk and single-cell RNAseq datasets in collaboration with several laboratories across Europe to investigate prostate cancer heterogeneity on intra- and inter-patient level.


Education and employment

2020-present: Post-doctoral researcher, Division of experimental Urology (PI: Prof. Zoran Culig)

2017-2020: Post-doctoral researcher, Molecular Endocrinology Lab (PI: Prof. Frank Claessens)

2016-2017: Post-doctoral researcher, Division of experimental Urology (PI: Prof. Zoran Culig)

2012-2016: PhD program, Division of experimental Urology (PI: Prof. Zoran Culig)

2009-2011: Master’s program, Molecular cell and developmental biology

2006-2009: Bachelor program, Biology

© Robert Schober 2020